

Through the years, my mentality has improved along with my resilience, countless of my teammates have quit their aspirations of being a soccer player because of failure, and I can proudly say that I have failed plenty of times but have gotten up and even better than last time. The difference between me and others is that I refuse to quit. Every single time that I have lost a match, I always try to grab the positive and learn from the negative. In all the teams I have been in, the most important is not only to learn from our mistakes but also the chemistry between us and the coach. That's one of the most important factors, in my opinion, to succeed in any sport. In any team that I am, you will always have more than a teammate; you will have a friend to count on with an unmatched team spirit. On the field, I refuse that the team gives less than 100% because we are not doing something that we hate; we are doing something that we love, are passionate about, and would do the impossible just to play. I like teamwork and pushing my peers to their best version and exploiting their potential.


Tipo de jugador
5' 6"
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Sebastian Montes de Oca
Sebastian Montes de Oca
hace 1 año

